It used to shut off right away now it shut off whenever it feel like it. My start/stop still isn't working properly. I brought it for the 7th time and apparently they needed to replace the other head of the engine. Now my start/stop isn't working properly. The 6th time they decided it was the head of the engine so they replace that. The 5th time I brought they said the mechanic didn't reset after he replaced the parts. By the 4th they replaced 2 parts i want to say the injectors or something like that. I brought it back 3 times and they just did a reset in the computer. After a few days it is still doing the same thing. I told them about the misfire and they put it on the computer and it did show the misfires so they reset it in the computer. Went to Honda in the morning and they said its the battery. A couple months of having the vehicle the lights in the dash all lit up like a Christmas tree on my way to work. I noticed a misfire while I was stopped at a light. Honda has really let us down on this one. If I could dump this car, I would never look back. Oh, the collision available system blares at us in the rain at every stop light that we're hitting something in the front right corner. It's like the manufacturer literally has never heard of memory, nothing in the car stays saved on next startup. The entertainment system that was supposed to have all these great apps available with the monthly Hotspot service has been completely abandoned, the few that are actually there don't function. During this, we get a idle engine critical failure alarm when letting off the brake, which jolts the car forward a bit as the engine starts then stalls then starts again. At a light, stopping engages the idle stop which shuts off the engine, a setting that impossibly must be disabled everytime you start the car.
#2021 honda odyssey ex l for sale driver#
My wife says "oh that's odd, it's usually the driver side that won't close." she's just so used to the problem, even though we've taken it in 2 times for this already, that she's numb to it now. Today, the passenger side sliding door just stopped mid way, no beeping, no backing up, just stopped. When the car started shaking and reducing speed to 30 mph max, I had it towed in to find out fuel injectors needed to be replaced (this car is 2 years old!) and was told the alarms were probably from the toll tag position on the windshield (what?) Luckily, the manufacturer warranty ran out 200 miles before this, and Honda wouldn't cover a penny of it. Most recently, every warning and alarm in the car would come on in startup (brakes failed, engine failed, anti skid out, power steering failed, all of them) every time it rains. There are so many electrical issues, I can't begin to describe them all. We're stuck with it, because the value is far less than what we owe on the loan. We purchased new from dealer and have had problems with this car from day 1.